On 18/08/11 18:59, Rick Nuckolls wrote:
> You can redimension an array as long as it is not a common variable.  This 
> tends to be a “slow” process, or at least one that you do not want to do each 
> time that you add something to the array.
I believe, in INFORMATION mode, you can redimension a common'd array.
You'll need to check :-)

You certainly can't in Pick (or probably Pick mode) because of the way
its stored. PI only used one entry in the common block to store the
entire array, Pick used one entry for each element of the array.

> You can use  inmat( X ) to get a vector on the size of the array, as you 
> might want to do within a subroutine.
There's also a way of telling how many elements have been read by a
MATREAD - I can't remember the function, possibly STATUS, but beware -
if there are too many elements it returns the last array element read.
In other words, in Pick mode it will return the size of the array. In
INFORMATION mode it returns 0!

> Rick Nuckolls
> Lynden Inc

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