On 22/08/11 14:56, Robert Porter wrote:
> The snapshot disk space only needs to hold the amount of the changed data - 
> not the whole filesystem. To the applications, it appears that a copy was 
> made, but actually writes are being held behind the scenes. Don't think I'm 
> explaining this well (Monday am), so lets try an example.  Say that the UV DB 
> is 10GB and it will take 1 hour to back it up. During 1 hour, only 1GB of 
> data will be changed. The snapshot LV needs to be 1GB + a little for overhead 
> - not 10GB. If you do a df while snapshot'ed it appears that 2 10GB 
> partitions are mounted - the original and the snapshot. But the snapshot LV 
> is actually only holding the pending writes. Unmounting the snapshot writes 
> all the data (in order) to the real LV.   While snapshot'ed the OS knows 
> what's changed and what hasn't and UV never knows the difference.
Interesting. The reason I suggested breaking the mirror was that
mirroring is a common technique.

As for snapshotting, there's a new linux btree-based file system on the
way. It's completely copy-on-write, so effectively it's always taking
snapshots until it runs out of disk and needs to delete old snapshots to
make room. I don't know much about it, but I know the idea has been
around for ages. There was a filesystem called TuxFS that did this, but
that never made it out of beta. I think the new one owes a lot of its
ideas but none of its code to TuxFS.

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