On 25/10/11 22:22, Steve Romanow wrote:
> I don't know if I agree that SELECT is faster.  If you are using
> indexed fields, SELECT is definitely not the good choice.
SELECT *is* faster. Because it does far less work!

EXECUTE SELECT needs to read the entire file to create a select list.

SELECT merely reads group 0 to create a partial select list, then when
it's exhausted goes on to group 1 and so on and so on.

Which is BEST depends on what you want. Which is FASTER is always SELECT.

(Oh - and while the poster didn't get it quite right, READNEXT is fast
on UV, because while it doesn't pull the record into your program,
because the key and data are stored together the mere act of accessing
the key will cache the data at the same time).

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