Consider a sparse file.  I have seen where a execute select is faster so I
counter your AlwaysFaster claim. Like the previous poster said,  it will
always be fastest to start,  but not always first to complete.
On Oct 25, 2011 7:00 PM, "Wols Lists" <> wrote:

> On 25/10/11 22:22, Steve Romanow wrote:
> > I don't know if I agree that SELECT is faster.  If you are using
> > indexed fields, SELECT is definitely not the good choice.
> >
> SELECT *is* faster. Because it does far less work!
> EXECUTE SELECT needs to read the entire file to create a select list.
> SELECT merely reads group 0 to create a partial select list, then when
> it's exhausted goes on to group 1 and so on and so on.
> Which is BEST depends on what you want. Which is FASTER is always SELECT.
> (Oh - and while the poster didn't get it quite right, READNEXT is fast
> on UV, because while it doesn't pull the record into your program,
> because the key and data are stored together the mere act of accessing
> the key will cache the data at the same time).
> Cheers,
> Wol
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