No, it was Stetson University in Deland.

On 02-08-2012 4:47 PM, Keith Johnson [DATACOM] wrote:
I'm curious; was the university in Florida Barry University?

Someone I worked with years ago went there as a Pick programmer.

The following code might be helpful

      subroutine ucsv(result,source,status,is.oconv)
* Public Domain program for OpenQM by Keith Johnson 2012
*  OCONV Converts from attribute and value marks to .CSV format
*        Attribute marks are converted to CR:LF
*  ICONV Converts from .CSV to delimited form
*        If there are no CR:LF sequences, it uses LF
*        If there are no LF characters, it uses attribute marks
* Usage: To convert ABC to a .CSV format, use code like
      result = ''
      status = 0
      crlf = char(13):char(10)
      test = index(source,crlf,1)
      begin case
* this is OK
         case source = ''
* OCONV not OK if there are already CR:LF sequences
         case is.oconv and test
            status = 1
* The normal case when generating .CSV data
         case is.oconv
            atts = dcount(source,@am)
            for attr = 1 to atts
               line = source<attr>
CRT 'line = ':line
               vals = dcount(line,@vm)
               part = ''
               for valu = 1 to vals
                  bite = line<1,valu>
                  if part ne '' then part := ','
                  good = @true
                  if index(bite,'"',1) then good = @false
                  if index(bite,' ',1) then good = @false
                  if index(bite,',',1) then good = @false
                  if index(bite,char(10),1) then good = @false
                  if index(bite,char(13),1) then good = @false
                  if not(good) then
                     bite = change(bite,'"','""')
                     bite = '"':bite:'"'
                  part := bite
               next valu
CRT 'part = ':part
               if result eq ''
                  then result = part
                  else result := crlf:part
            next attr
* Cannot have both of these in ICONV file - the rows will change
         case index(source,@am,1) and index(source,char(10),1)
            status = 2
* converting from standard .CSV file
         case test
            flag = @false
            mine = change(source,crlf,@am)
            atts = dcount(mine,@am)
            for attr = 1 to atts
               line = mine<attr>
               span = len(line)
               part = ''
               for posn = 1 to span
                  that = line[posn,2]
                  this = that[1,1]
                  begin case
                     case that eq '""' and flag
                        part :=  '"'
                        posn += 1
                     case this eq '"'
                        flag = not(flag)
                     case this eq ',' and not(flag)
                        part := @vm
                     case 1
                        part := this
                  end case
               next posn
               result<-1>  = part
            next attr
* converting from LF only (or possibly @am) row delimited file
         case 1
            mark = char(10)
            if not(index(source,mark,1)) then
               mark = @am
               if not(index(source,mark,1)) then
                  status = 3
            flag = @false
            atts = dcount(source,mark)
            part = ''
            for attr = 1 to atts
               line = field(source,mark,attr)
               span = len(line)
               for posn = 1 to span
                  that = line[posn,2]
                  this = that[1,1]
                  begin case
                     case that eq '""' and flag
                        part :=  '"'
                        posn += 1
                     case this eq '"' and flag
                        flag = @false
                     case this eq ',' and not(flag)
                        part := @vm
                     case 1
                        part := this
                  end case
               next posn
* It is possible to have a linefeed within a field
               if not(flag) then
                  result<-1>  = part:char(10)
                  part = ''
               end else
* But not an attribute mark when it is the delimiter
* Assume they forgot the last double quote and be nice
                  if mark eq @am then
                     result<-1>  = part
                     part = ''
                     flag = @false
            next attr
      end case

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