> From: Doug Averch
> I saw this software many years ago at Spectrum 
> conference. So I clicked on the link to see what's 
> new.  Most of the pages are dead and the ones that are 
> not are hopeless out of date.  See your comment from 
> 2004 on http://www.mvtoolbox.com/Testimonials.1.html.
> I would be very worried that any product I get from 
> them would not be well supported if they cannot get 
> their web site in order.

I heard this from someone else too so I'll respond.

Bro Cope, the author of mvToolbox has been putting his heart into
this software for a couple decades.  In short, mvToolbox is a
character-based editor on steroids - it does what Pick people
want but without an unfamiliar GUI which simply turns some people

Doug - you, Brian L, Bob R, Pete S, Fred T, Doug L, myself, and
others here have the same sort of passion for tools that we
create for this industry.  Bro invested in marketing a few years
ago and unfortunately blew his budget without getting the returns
required for the product to sustain itself.  We've all been
there.  It's sometimes tough to get back on the horse - sometimes
the horse runs away and we're left walking.

So Bro has this really great software but an old and icky
website, and not many venues for getting his software into the
hands of people who can use it.  He's even now offering it for
free just to get it out there.  He seems to suffer from the same
missing gene as most of us Pick people - he's not a marketing guy
and he isn't a web developer.  OK, those skills aren't in his DNA
and he doesn't have anyone else working for him.  But I think
people can cut him some slack and check out the fine offering
despite the rough packaging.  The software deserves it and so
does Bro.  The rewards for using his software can make the
inquiry well worth the effort.

The only problem with the software, IMO, is that it does a Lot
more than any product should - it's like Photoshop where most
people are used to PC Paint, it's MS Word where most people use
Notepad (or AE or ED).  And the documentation to support the deep
functionality is overwhelming.  I've suggested to him that he
disable features to create a Lite product and upsell the Pro
version once people "get it".  It's a helluva thing to say a
product does too much and is over-documented, but there ya go.
It's for these reasons that I don't use the software daily
myself, but that doesn't stop me from recommending it to others
who spend more time in BASIC.

Maybe if Bro can sell a couple licenses he'll be able to dedicate
some time to cleaning up his website and trimming down his
documentation.  In the mean time, it costs people nothing (for a
year?) for anyone here to just endure a little grief to get their
hands on this software, and the benefits could be huge.
Questions can be directed here:


> Tony Gravagno wrote:
> > mvToolbox is one of the best products in this 
> > industry, but it's largely unknown and thus seriously 
> > under-appreciated. Get a 1-year (!?) free trial: 
> > http://www.mvtoolbox.com
> > 
> > No, I have nothing to gain from recommending this 
> > software.  I am not a developer, sales rep, nor 
> > providing related services.  It's just good software 
> > that deserves an occasional mention.

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