*Timed* activity on a *line* is controlled by the O/S not within Universe per 
se.  Or at least you shouldn't expect Universe to keep you informed when lines 
are idle, natively.

So (being on AIX a type of Unix) you are going to need to write a 
constantly-running background task which queries the last modified timestamp on 
the lines and reports on idle lines.  This is something controlled in AIX you 
know.  Not just the timestamps but the timeout conditions.

But *acting* on these in an automatic fashion would be quite dangerous to the 
integrity of your database, I'm sure you know.
This should be used for informational purposes only.  You get your reports, 
bitch at the users involved, and gradually they learn to stop doing it.

That's the best approach, IMHO, having lived through this exact scenario in 
many companies.

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Robinson <donr_w...@yahoo.com>
To: U2 listserver <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Tue, Mar 27, 2012 6:26 am
Subject: [U2] Detecting idle time in INPUT statement.

Hello all,

e are running Universe 10.1 on AIX with about 500 users. We have a problem with 
sers opening up a record which puts a lock on it and just letting it sit at the 
NPUT statement for a long time.

ost of the locking within the application does not use the LOCKED clause so 
hen a second person needs the locked record, their session waits.

hat is the best way to detect the user hasn't typed anything for a period of 
ime, say 2 minutes? This needs to be simple as we have no desire to rewrite the 

IRC, some other MV systems have a timeout on the INPUT but I can't find 
nything about this in the UV manual.

Don Robinson
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