Thanks Bill,

        Personally if it's windows, I normally just make a "new" Text document, 
then rename the file "Test {whatever}.udl" and the GUI usually has that 
associated to what is now called "Microsoft Data Link" file format, but I swear 
it used to be something else...   anyway, you can get your provider tabs, Data 
Source Tabs, Advanced, etc and I'm assuming Microsoft bought it's been in there 
since at least XP.  Then pick your provider and test away.  With this specific 
issue I'm having though, I'm now able to get the uvODBC 64-bit driver to work 
that way:

Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=xxxxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User 
ID=Server\user;Data Source=Data123

        However that MsDASQL.1 provider, that's not working in SQL Server w/ 
that same set of variables, nor can I use OpenDataSource, or OpenRowSet, I'm 
running out of things to try.  I swear I did this two or three years ago w/ my 
current server ;)  Tried the old IBM.UniOLEDB driver I had before, I've tried a 
few ways.  I actually got a Linked Server to almost work using...

    EXEC  master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
          @server = N'Linked_Server_Name'
          ,@srvproduct = N'UniVerse'
          ,@provider = N'MSDASQL'

        ... but this lets me expand the catalog and see the "VIEWS" from the 
account in question, but not query a darn thing.  Any query gives me:

...[Table_or_View] contains no columns that can be selected or the current user 
does not have permissions on that object.

        I hate to write a CLR trigger/addon for SQL just to read and write 
changes for some adhoc stuff that we've never written back in UniVerse.  The 
reads and writes really seemed to finally be getting faster too from my 
UniVerse server too.

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bill Brutzman
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 18:02
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UV] UniOLEDB driver 64-bit windows and installers (take 50 
or something)


1. There are some third-party ODBC tools available.
2. I do something like this now with Adobe's ColdFusion... a free developer 
version of CF is available for download from Adobe.
3. Rocket has some tech manuals that cover this area.
4. When I was troubleshooting this with CF, I wrote a little Java connection 
string test program.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of John J. Wahl
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 5:44 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] [UV] UniOLEDB driver 64-bit windows and installers (take 50 or 

Greetings all,

        I've been parsing through the posts I've seen in the group and online, 
and I'd love to get to a point where there's a conflict, but no such luck for 
me I'm afraid.  Our issue seems a little different and I'm hoping someone has 
seen this recently.  I have a single UniVerse server (10.1) it's running 
Windows Server 2008, and had (as of this weekend) SQL Server 2008 on it as 
well; both were setup as 32-bit.  This weekend I tried to move all my SQL 
Server to a new box which is still SQL Server 2008, but the Server itself is 
64-bit and Windows Server 2008 R2.  To make a medium story shorter I cannot get 
IBM.UniOLE to show up as a "Provider" in SQL Server, I had it working pretty 
darn well on my old box and was quite happy.  Unfortunately no matter what I do 
with installs (I have tried older, newer, 32-bit and 64-bit drivers) I just 
cannot get it to work.

        So during my debugging and disassembling of this poor process I've 
made, I noticed that the Registry says the following:


ValueName: (Default)
    Value: C:\Windows\SysWow64\UniOLEDB.dll

        I have no such file, I've looked w/ /a etc, so it's not just hidden.  
In fact, a quick search revealed no file w/ that name ANYWHERE on the HD.  Now 
I was able to determine that the .msi package has a nested structure and the 
file " _3C788511D64D4D17B7955EB0B3E14A56" really is the DLL in question, but... 
I would rather do this the correct way and no brute force something into place. 
 Could there be something I'm missing or do not understand about the UniOLEDB 
64-bit installer?

Thank you everyone,

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896
Email:   <-- farm me I dare you ;)

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