Sorry John,

        I dropped the ball on that one, I was indeed aware of that, and yes got 
past this entire portion months ago w/ my vendor.  I installed the 11.1.x 
client that is 64-bit on the 64-bit server, the download was a Nov 2011 
release, and as best as I know the newest thing I was back out a little bit ago 
and didn't see anything newer I could try.  As stated ODBC would be fine if 
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 allowed that... when I tried the old Connection 
string I was using in an OpenDataSource directly I was getting an error about a 
single threaded apartment model not being valid.  That led me to believe my 
install was messed up and found the DLL was not even present in the correct 
place, and more hours of fun ;)

        The "older" string that the other machine uses returns an error like:
Msg 7308, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

OLE DB provider 'IBM.UniOLEDB' cannot be used for distributed queries because 
the provider is configured to run in single-threaded apartment mode.

        ... and ... doesn't actually show up as a provider anyway, so I was 

Thank you for the feedback,

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896
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-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of John Jenkins
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 18:40
To: U2 Users List
Cc: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UV] UniOLEDB driver 64-bit windows and installers (take 50 
or something)

To use 32 bit UniVerse client software on a 64 bit Windows platform, you need 
to set up the DSN with odbcad32.exe from syswow64 (not system32). If your 
client software is 64 bit then you need UniVerse 11.1 whIch has 64 bit client 
software, and updated SQL/ODBC as well.

Hope this helps.

Regards JayJay

Sent from my new toy.

On 23 Apr 2012, at 22:44, "John J. Wahl" <> wrote:

> Greetings all,
>    I've been parsing through the posts I've seen in the group and online, and 
> I'd love to get to a point where there's a conflict, but no such luck for me 
> I'm afraid.  Our issue seems a little different and I'm hoping someone has 
> seen this recently.  I have a single UniVerse server (10.1) it's running 
> Windows Server 2008, and had (as of this weekend) SQL Server 2008 on it as 
> well; both were setup as 32-bit.  This weekend I tried to move all my SQL 
> Server to a new box which is still SQL Server 2008, but the Server itself is 
> 64-bit and Windows Server 2008 R2.  To make a medium story shorter I cannot 
> get IBM.UniOLE to show up as a "Provider" in SQL Server, I had it working 
> pretty darn well on my old box and was quite happy.  Unfortunately no matter 
> what I do with installs (I have tried older, newer, 32-bit and 64-bit 
> drivers) I just cannot get it to work.
>    So during my debugging and disassembling of this poor process I've made, I 
> noticed that the Registry says the following:
> Key:
>    Wow6432Node\CLSID\{DB14F292-CA54-11D1-BEB8-0060973B624E}\InprocServer32
> ValueName: (Default)
>    Value: C:\Windows\SysWow64\UniOLEDB.dll
>    I have no such file, I've looked w/ /a etc, so it's not just hidden.  In 
> fact, a quick search revealed no file w/ that name ANYWHERE on the HD.  Now I 
> was able to determine that the .msi package has a nested structure and the 
> file " _3C788511D64D4D17B7955EB0B3E14A56" really is the DLL in question, 
> but... I would rather do this the correct way and no brute force something 
> into place.  Could there be something I'm missing or do not understand about 
> the UniOLEDB 64-bit installer?
> Thank you everyone,
> -------------------------------
> John J. Wahl 
> Employee Owner
> Programmer / Analyst
> Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
> Fax:   (330) 342-3896
> Email:   <-- farm me I dare you ;)
> Web:
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