What I can remember about moving a partial string using Unidata input
buffer to an output buffer you can use the following:


Which will move the 4th through the 8th character to the currently
active output buffer.


Laura W

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Brenda Ives
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 11:23 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Proc question

Guide to ProVerb - UniVerse proc documentation.

Brenda L Ives
UniVerse Team Lead
Rapid Response Team 
Greensboro, NC

RRT Team Red

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Kebbon Irwin
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 11:05 AM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] Proc question

Hi Ed,I am pretty sure that PQN procs are supported in Unidata, I have
never used them or seen a manual for them.  Like you I have not found
anything in the udtdocs that addresses Proc either....Kebbon

> From: u...@edclark.net
> Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 22:58:31 -0400
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Subject: Re: [U2] Proc question
> On May 7, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Kebbon Irwin wrote:
> > 
> > Anyone know/remember how to do this:I have a string in my input
buffer XX*YYYNNI want to place just YYYNN in my output bufferI feel I
should be able to do this without writing my own user mode or a program
that does a procread/procwrite....Thanks,Kebbon
> > Unidata 7.1 Ecltype P                                         
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> I don't know if unidata supports this (has anyone ever seen a unidata
proc manual?) but in PQN proc on Reality, the MV command can apply a
> MV
> Purpose
> To copy data between the input buffer, output buffers, file buffers
and select registers.
> Syntax
> MV destination source{,source}...{,*{n}}{,_}
> or
> MV destination source{*source}...
> Syntax Elements
> destination            is a direct or indirect reference to a buffer
or select register that you want the data copied to. If the destination
is a select register, the source can only be a direct or indirect
reference to a file buffer.
> source                   is the data you want to copy. The source can
> *      a direct or indirect reference to a buffer or select register
that contains the data you want to copy.
> *      a direct or indirect reference to a buffer followed by
';input-conversion;' or ':output-conversion:'. See the topic English
Conversions for details.
> *        a string of zero or more characters enclosed in single or
double quotes. An uneven number of quotes now gives a syntax error.
> *        a SYSTEM function that returns system/database information.
> *      a single character expressed in one of two ways:
> Xx    where x is a hexadecimal number in the range 00 to FF. Thus, XFD
is a value mark.
> In     where n is a decimal number in the range 0 to 255. Thus, I253
is a value mark.
> ,*                           copies all source parameters starting
with the specified parameter. The destination buffer or select register
is truncated after the last parameter is copied if * is the last operand
in the source field.
> ,*n                         copies n further source parameters
following (and in addition to) the specified parameter.
> ,_                          specifies that the destination is
truncated after the source is copied.
> *source                  concatenates the source values into one
attribute in the destination.
> Select Register Destination
> If you use a select register as the destination, then the only valid
source is a direct or indirect reference to a file buffer. For example:
> MV !1 &5.9  or  MV !3 &3.%1
> Creating Null Attributes or Parameters
> If the attribute or parameter number in destination is larger than the
current number of attributes or parameters, the Proc processor
automatically creates null values to space out to the requested
> If the source is a literal string containing just two double quotes,
then the destination is nulled.
> Input Buffer Pointer
> If you reference the primary input buffer as the destination, that
buffer is selected as active and the buffer pointer is positioned at the
beginning of the moved string.
> Copying a Series of Values
> If you give a series of values as the source, the first value is
copied into the destination, and each subsequent source value is copied
to a successive location in the destination buffer. For example:
> MV %2 &2.7,"ABC",!2
> copies attribute 7 of file buffer 2, the string "ABC", and the next
value from select register 2 into the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th parameters of
the primary input buffer.
> Preserving Parameters/
> Attributes
> If you want to change more than one attribute or parameter without
changing the attributes or parameters in between, you must use commas in
the source field to preserve those attributes or parameters.
> For example, if the primary input buffer contains ABC^DEF^GHI^JKL, and
you issue the following command,
> MV %1 "XX",,,"9999"
> the result is XX^DEF^GHI^9999. The command replaces the 1st and 4th
parameters with new values, leaving the 2nd and 3rd parameters
> Concatenation
> If you separate a series of source values with asterisks (*) instead
of commas, the source values are concatenated into one attribute in the
destination. For example:
> MV %2 &1.7*"TEXT"*%4
> concatenates the 4th attribute of the primary input buffer to the
string "TEXT", then concatenates that result to attribute 7 of file
buffer 1, then copies the result as a single parameter into the 2nd
parameter of the primary input buffer.
> Truncation
> If you specify an underline (_) as the last item in the source field,
the specified destination is truncated after the last source is copied.
> Copying the Entire Contents of a Buffer
> If you specify an asterisk (*) as the last item in a source field, all
attributes or parameters starting with the specified attribute or
parameter are copied. For example:
> MV &2.1 %10,*
> copies the 10th parameter of the primary input buffer to attribute 1
of file buffer 2. It also copies parameter 11 of the primary input
buffer to attribute 2 of file buffer 2, and so on. The remainder of file
buffer 2 is truncated after the last parameter of the primary input
buffer is copied.
> Copying a Series of Attributes
> If you specify an asterisk followed by an integer (*n) as a source
field element, the number of attributes or parameters specified by n are
copied in addition to the specified attribute or parameter. For example:
> MV &2.3 %4,*3
> copies the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th parameters of the primary input
buffer to attributes 3, 4, 5 and 6 of file buffer 2. The remainder of
file buffer 2 is not truncated.
> English Conversions
> The MV syntax supports English conversion of direct or indirect
references in source operands, provided that the destination is not a
select register. The format is similar to that used with IBH or IH:
> reference;input-conversion;
> reference:output-conversion:
> For example, MV %3 %3;T1,3; extracts the first three characters of %3
from %3 and replaces the original %3 with just these three characters.
An advantage of using MV to perform conversions (rather than IH or IBH)
is that MV uses an extensible buffer that is only limited by your OS
workspace area.
> See the English Reference Manual for more information on conversions.
Note that not all conversions are supported by Proc.
> Example 1
> Command                   PIB Before                      PIB After
> MV %4 %2           TEST^ABC^12^         TEST^ABC^12^ABC
> Example 2
> MV %1 "X",,"9"     AB^CD^EF^GH          X^CD^9^GH
> Example 3
> MV %5 "X"          ABC                  ABC^^^^X
> Example 4
> Command                   File Buffer 4 Before          File Buffer 4
> MV &4.1 &2.1,*     000 1494             000 1494
>                    001 39100            001 XXX
>                    002 AAA              002 7800
>                    003 555              003 123
>                    004 999             
>                    File Buffer 2 Before          File Buffer 2 After
>                    000 1342             000 1342
>                    001 XXX              001 XXX
>                    002 7800             002 7800
>                    003 123              003 123
> This example moves attributes from file buffer 2 to file buffer 4
using the (*) to move the entire contents of file buffer two. Note the
truncation of the fourth attribute of file buffer 4.
> Example 5
> MV %1 "ONE","TWO","THREE"
> MV %1 %2,%3
> The first MV command copies "ONE" into the 1st parameter, "TWO" into
the 2nd parameter, and "THREE" into the third parameter of the primary
input buffer.
> The second MV command copies the contents of the 2nd parameter (TWO)
into the 1st parameter, and the contents of the 3rd parameter (THREE)
into the 2nd parameter of the primary input buffer.
> Example 6
> Command                   PIB Before and After
> MV #3 %2           DSPLY^DESC^QTY
>                                  POB Before                    POB
>                    LIST^INV^            LIST^INV^DESC^
> Example 7
> Command                   PIB Before and After
> MV &4.2 %5         UPDATE^CUST^1423^L.NAME^SMITH
>                                  File Buffer 4 Before          File
Buffer 4 After
>                    000 1423             000 1423
>                    001 24000            001 24000
>                    002 CLARK            002 SMITH
>                    003 ROGER            003 ROGER
>                    .                    .
>                    .                    .
>                    .                    .
> Example 8
> Command                   PIB Before and After
> MV &3.1 %3,_       FIX^AB-3211^XYZ
>                                  File Buffer 3 Before          File
Buffer 3 After
>                    000 AB-3211          000 AB-3211
>                    001 2353             001 XYZ
>                    002 2460
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