
Thanks for writing.  Just before I received this message, I did something close 
to this... I copied the entire account to my SandBox and then it worked.


How about
Create a new ACCOUNT
Restore the file to this new account
Q point at it, from the account in which you really want to use it

I am having trouble trying to restore a year-end file to a new file name.
The file is saved to my Windows7 PC... The UniVerse host is running on hp-ux.
I tried to FileZilla FTP the file back using binary enconding.
I tried to create a new file and dictionary from the UV command prompt and then 
opy the file and dictionary over.
I tried creating a new file in UniVerse and sizing the file like the known 
orking files.
When I try to do a UVFIXFILE... an error indicating file truncation results.
I am now trying ASCII encoding.
I was able to get something like this to work in the past.

Suggestions would be appreciated.
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