Not sure where to jump in on this thread so I'll start at the top.

First, like Doug Averch, Charlie Noah, Brian Leach, and others here, I
actually do have experience with  all of the technologies AND
applications defined. So once again your commentary has over-reached
your limited understanding of the world around you.  Heck, if I wanted
to close my business and move back to Chicago, I might apply for the
position. But I don't. :)

Second, I believe this site is looking for someone with some
permutation of the described skills, not all of them. They say RPL/D3
are qualifications but U2, etc are a "plus", meaning if someone has
skills with U2 they're probably trainable.  You were correct that they
meant "either/or" ... and they DID say "a plus" which means it's Not a
Requirement. In your eagerness to criticize you missed and/or ignored
key words - an oversight which would further disqualify you for the

Third, RPL is still alive and well, used to run a Lot of large and
small shops and for new development. It's only supported now over D3,
so again the mention of U2, jBase, Rev, etc is an attempt to find
someone who can learn something new. (Rather difficult for some people
in this market, easy for others.) Would I start a new project with
RPL? No. Do I think it has a long-term future? No. But people have
been saying the same thing about Pick in general for a couple decades
now. Just remember that the only way some of you could get U2 into a
new prospect a few years ago was by slinging around the IBM moniker -
now that you don't have that anymore, U2 is as much an anomaly in the
mainstream as RPL is among Pick people. Be careful about throwing
rocks in this small glass house.


> From: Wjhonson 
> Really don't these people get actual... you know... specs?
> What did they do skip some words?
> Show me a single person in the world who has all of : Universe,
> Unidata, D3, Jbase, Revelation AND RPL and I will show you a liar
> Clearly they meant something like "either/or"

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