
Brian (and Doug),

I too have been using Basic4Android to make a some simple Android apps and I've posted some questions to the Basic4Android community about the inclusion of 3rd party libraries like Uniobjects for Java and really have not gotten a satisfactory answer, or at least one I understand (the answer was: yes we support 3rd party .jar libraries but you'll have to write a wrapper around it, to which I said "wrapper??" and got no response). So my question is, do any or the other alternative VB like environments support the inclusion of Uniobjects for Java?


Brian Leach wrote:
Now there really IS an app for it ... :)

PS if you want a VB-like way of building apps, also check out NS Basic.
Simple and cool.

(Neither of which are the first things to spring to mind about Titanium,
which I use... the results are blistering but I always feel I'm running
up-hill avoiding potholes)


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