> From: Mike McGuane 
> http://curl.haxx.se/docs/manpage.html

> From: Phil Walker 
> Hi Mike, 
> I might be just being dumb, but how would curl help me here?

I'm, guessing he posted to the wrong thread. That's the right answer
to the question by Peter in the "Consuming HTTPS service thread" where
he asks: "Is it possible to have a UV basic program communicate with
or consume / use a restful http service?" I use cURL all the time
because it's independent of MV platform and OS. I have standard
wrappers for parsing responses to various queries. Rather than
wondering what SoapCreateRequest() or protocolLogging() will do for
you under the covers, personally I choose to have full access to the
source and control my own destiny. Symeon said as much in his note
about "Restful webservices are nothing magical,...".

William also posted here about using Dynamic Connect, and I think cURL
is a possible replacement for some applications for that as well.

As to something like "SELECT File SAVING IType", uh, if "File" is a
remote datasource then you could use cURL for that, otherwise as we
degos say, fuggedaboudit. :)


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