> From: Israel, John R. 
> I need to copy PDFs from a Windows server into a UNIX dir (where
> UniData lives). Can I map a VOC pointer? Other thoughts?
> Running HPUX, UniData 7.2.1.

I'm not as familiar with internals in UV/UD as with other platforms so
this may not apply - and I'm eager to understand exactly how these
systems Do work in this regard...

If you create a Voc pointer and use Copy, I believe the DBMS would
pull data through the virtual machine, drawing it into the DBMS from
the source, applying EOL/AM conversions, then writing it back out to
the target with similar character translation. That can be hugely

On other platforms that have a virtual machine environment (blob),
overflow frames, etc, that would also mean pulling lots of frames from
overflow and then just releasing them. Again, a major performance
issue at the time of operation, and a source of rapid overflow
fragmentation if done too often.

I agree with the suggestions by others to use FTP, etc, and for the
reason stated here I would strongly discourage using DBMS verbs for
OS-level file transfers.

Now, can someone familiar with UV and UD internals confirm or correct


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