Title: Message
Hi Kate,
These commands are designed to be run from the unix or (blerk, I hate this word) dos environment. Running them from TCL would require an sh -c type command.

David Logan
Database Administrator
HP Managed Services
139 Frome Street,
Adelaide 5000

+61 8 8408 4273
+61 417 268 665

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kate Stanton
Sent: Wednesday, 28 January 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: mkdbfile: create file in another account

Does anyone know anything about using mkdbfile (from UV bin) to create a file in an account other than the current user account?
A colleague told me about it, but it does not seem to be documented, and does not seem to work on my UV 10.0.17 system on Windows 2000, as it does on his UV on Windows something.
I tried, according to his instructions:
VOC mkdbfile
0001: V
0002: mkdbfile
0003: E
0004: FG
Then, from TCL: mkdbfile C:\BeaconUV\DevelData\XXINV\KKINV 30 1 4 20 50 80 1068
C:\BeaconUV\DevelData\XXINV\KKINV is pathname of file to create
30 is file type
1 is modulo
4 is separation
20 is hash type
50 is max load
80 is split load
1096 is large record size
This gave error message: invalid filetype specified
I feel very nervous about using something that is not documented, so presumably may not be reliably supported.
Anyone know anything, please?
Cheers,  Kate
Kate Stanton
Walstan Systems Ltd
4 Kelmarna Ave, Herne Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
ph +64 9 360 5310  fax +64 9 376 0750
ah +64 9 378 9594
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