My guess is that it is a Serial Port Controller Board. I used to know what
all the Royale/Reality/Sequel boards were. NIC's surely saves a lot of space

my 1 cent.

P.S. Howja get a gig like that. Is it the History Channel aspect of the CS
program. I and i'm sure others could talk hours on the hardware issues we
had to deal with. My favorite exercise was having to put my finger against
the 1/2 inch tapehead of the open reel-to-reel Microdatas when reading tapes
from one system to another. The tape would stream back and forth trying to
catch its parity until just enough pressure by my fingers would cause those
8 tracks (not to be confused with 8-tracks) to line up. Jurrasic Pick at its
best. Then along came Cipher drives and i put my fingers to better use.

My oldest piece of nostalgia is a 1972 Microdata manual pre-Pick. It was a
process controller looking for something to do.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dawn M. Wolthuis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2004 10:00 PM
Subject: [OT] Pr1me Hardware question

> I'm doing a talk tomorrow to college CS majors (name of talk is: IT is How
> it Seams -- at least I'm able to entertain myself with the double double
> meaning)
> I thought I'd bring in some of the odds and ends I've acquired over the
> years and one is a board from a Pr1me computer I worked on.  It was gifted
> to me when the machine was retired.  However, I'm a s/w kinda "guy" and I
> don't know a cpu board from a memory board from anything else.  I figured
> this was the best place to ask about prime hardware, but sorry for being a
> little off-topic.
> It is an 18 inch-ish square green board with black chips and few white
> that say "Bechman" on them.  The black ones are at least three different
> sizes.  Along one side it has stickers that say "LINES 0-3" ... "LINES
> 12-15".  That seems like a big clue, but I figured someone here would know
> what such a board might have been called.
> Thanks in advance. --dawn
> Dawn M. Wolthuis
> Tincat Group, Inc.
> Take and give some delight today.
> --
> u2-users mailing list

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