I recently completed the conversion of an old application running on R83 to
QM.  QM from Ladybridge Systems was chosen primarily because of it's low
price (not quite so low anymore due to the cheap dollar).

Cost breakdown as follows

Computer running XP Pro                             600.00
6 user License QM (45 British Pounds/user)          508.00
6 copies HotVT Terminal Emulator ($39/copy)         234.00

The conversion from R83 was relatively painless.  The support from the QM
and HotVt has been fantastic.  Performance is tremendous.  The system has
been extremely stable.  Remote access is now via the internet and the
customer has been able to eliminate 2 phones lines costing about $100 a

The system will run on any Windows box and a 3 user system would run about
$300 for QM and $120 for the emulator.

Mel Maresh

>-----Original Message-----
Dear All:

I would like to acquire or purchase the complete box, manual and all
diskettes for an older Pick AP-Pro system or someone's retired AP-Pro system
(133-166 P1 preferably). I only need 3-5 users. I think the minimum is 3.

I have a new client that I want to break into the Pick world with an
inexpensive application to start. I can develop their new app on my own
AP-Pro yet in 2 months they will want their own system. We've explored the
concepts of a W2K/D3 or U2 box and its cost would kill the deal. I want to
get my foot in the door and as they grow, we can convert later.

Thanks in advance.
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