The default behavior will be that upon completion of the command, ie incorrect syntax, correct working, etc, any active SELECT list will be cleared. The 'K' entry in field 4 overrides that so that when the command exits any active SELECT will NOT be cleared. This behavior is strictly flavor dependant and can be modified if you don't like it (though the next ACCOUNT.UPDATE will reset it).

Secondly, the 'S' option is usually used to pass a select list into an external executable, for example, things in the $UVHOME/bin directory. So, for instance, FILE.STAT is actually $UVHOME/bin/file.stat. From TCL you can use FILE.STAT with a select list;


and this will dump out the info for all the files in the select list. What actually happens is there is a bit of substitution. The SELECTFL will generate a temp file with all the file names in it, i.e. UVTEMP/select01928aa. The command built to run would then be:

$UVHOME/bin/file.stat -S /tmp/select01928aa (assuming UVTEMP == /tmp)

This is how we originally designed active select lists to be used with externals. Back to the main point, once file.stat completes (or bombs out or whatever) the command executor will shutdown (or keep open) the SELECT list based upon the 'K' in field 4.

At 04:04 AM 03/04/2004, you wrote:
uv System Administration manual  chapter Adding Commands to the VOC File
says for  'V' entries  that field 4
K   -  Keep select list
S   -  Uses select list

Of course it doesn't bother with tiny details like wich behavioiur is default
or what effect these settings have when the program isn't found. .. hint, hint IBM manual writers ... :^)

From experience (including from this thread) I'd say that the list is not kept unless there is a K.

-- mats

Andrew Gissing wrote:

so I have to think the list will still be active after the WHO is

Not so. I discovered to my own use that simply using "LIST", without file name, will clear the selectlist.

And in any event, proof of who below:

<<< T C L>>>


3117 record(s) selected to SELECT list #0.


120 mm From andrew

andrew gissing

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