----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ray Buchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'U2 Users Discussion List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 10:47 AM
Subject: [OT] Access Denied Continued

> Earlier this week I posted a message about getting an access denied
> when printing to a shared printer in a Universe application.  This is more
> of a networking issue, but I thought I'd pick y'all's brains.
> I'm running UV10 on an NT4 server.
> The printer is a Zebra bar code printer connected via LPT1 on a WindowsXP
> Pro machine.
> The printer/machine in question is networked to the corporate domain via
> 3Com wireless bridge.
> <snip>

I run several wireless barcode scanners and I sometimes get
timeout weirdness if someone takes a unit beyond the signal reach
of the bridge.  When they return to where the signal strength is
strong sometimes windows no longer seems to recognize the
device and frequently UniVerse will not resume their session.

I don't know what type of environment you are in but I am in a
manufacturing plant and we have large 10 ton overhead hoists that
move on beams.  If one of these gets positioned near a bridge it
disrupts the signal and can cause problems.

This is some of the weirdness I have seen but if signal loss is not
a problem I would look at the security tab of the printer properties
and make sure that "everyone" has print access.  Getting too tight
with the security might work against you.

I am now out of straws to grasp at. :)

Ron White

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