We have been using a product called SmarTerm from Esker. It allows us to
displays screen close to GUI that is easily configureable by the end
user with little to no programming. It allows for HotSpots which appear
as a button on the screen which the user can click on. Buttons are a
list of things that a user can do that are mundane or repetitive, these
can save wear and tear on the old fingers. It has a GUI pop up calendar
that can be invoked from the host and the date returned back to the
host. The user can change the colors on the screen to match their
preferences. Email addresses and http links are highlighted differently
and can be clickable. You can create you our macros that can be run from
a Button. We use triggers to change our screen colors depending on which
account we are in.

If anyone is interested in a screen shot of what can be done. Email me
offline at

We are currently using Version 11.0.5 on both PCs and Citrix Servers. I
am also in the process of testing 12.1 Beta.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:45 PM
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: Re: GUI as nice as character-based

Dawn: Good luck in your search for this holy grail. Lemme know if such a
silver bullet is found.

I've been hunting for years.

Mark Johnson

---- Original Message -----
From: "Dawn M. Wolthuis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 2:17 PM
Subject: GUI as nice as character-based

I haven't gotten through all of the postings in the GUI thread as yet,
but am working on the question of how to write a GUI that is as good as
a "green screen" from the perspective of folks currently using a green
screen application.  I saw hints at that, but nothing that tackled it
from the standpoint of being able to use any tools on the market today
to accomplish this (no need to retain databasic code, for example).

What could be used to actually replace, completely, the character

0) work with U2 as multiuser databases

1) Be able to use any Windows, new Mac (unix) or Linux client
2) Have graphically attractive & colorful screens, looking enough like
standard GUIs (M$, in particular) that users would understand the use of
icons, etc.
3) Respond to keystrokes by users -- not only to the click of a "submit"
4) Require no preparation of the client computers in advance of using
the software, likely directing user to a web page.
5) "type ahead" can be done so that the user is not waiting constantly
for the computer to respond
6) Heads down data entry folks are as happy with this as they were with
their green screens when they first got those and have only minor
complaints if converting now from a green screen, none of substance

What are the options -- who has written or seen such a GUI?  --dawn

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

Take and give some delight today.

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