We first tried wIntegrate that created the GUI environment but of course
required a client side.  It worked pretty well and we still have a client
using and asking for modifications to those applications.
Several years ago, we found RedBack which runs under Unidata/Universe.
Initially we focused on getting the applications done.  Once they we
completed we worked on the other issues: such as the length of development
time, consistency of the code, training Basic programmers to code
ASP/JavaScript/HTML, and ease custom coding.  We solved these issues with a
product called XLr8.  XLr8 helps us code without that steep learning curve,
producing industry standard code that programmers outside the U2 world can
read and modify, and gives us a built in source code control module.  Below
is the answers to your requirements:

1) Browser based (Mozilla or IE) runs on all platforms
2) Attractive forms using Cascading Style Sheets (css)
3) Respond to key strokes using JavaScript.
4) Only a Browser needed, no plugins or client side software.
5) XMLHTTP threads off processes so the need for type ahead is abated.
6) Heads down type ahead is accomplished in two ways.  First tabindex is set
for all prompts.  Secondly, validation is through dropdowns, or using the
XMLHTTP engine for threaded processes, thus keeping the speed close to green

Hope this helps,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dawn M. Wolthuis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 12:17 PM
Subject: GUI as nice as character-based

I haven't gotten through all of the postings in the GUI thread as yet, but
am working on the question of how to write a GUI that is as good as a "green
screen" from the perspective of folks currently using a green screen
application.  I saw hints at that, but nothing that tackled it from the
standpoint of being able to use any tools on the market today to accomplish
this (no need to retain databasic code, for example).

What could be used to actually replace, completely, the character screens?

0) work with U2 as multiuser databases

1) Be able to use any Windows, new Mac (unix) or Linux client
2) Have graphically attractive & colorful screens, looking enough like
standard GUIs (M$, in particular) that users would understand the use of
icons, etc.
3) Respond to keystrokes by users -- not only to the click of a "submit"
4) Require no preparation of the client computers in advance of using the
software, likely directing user to a web page.
5) "type ahead" can be done so that the user is not waiting constantly for
the computer to respond
6) Heads down data entry folks are as happy with this as they were with
their green screens when they first got those and have only minor complaints
if converting now from a green screen, none of substance

What are the options -- who has written or seen such a GUI?  --dawn

Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

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