>Perhaps you need to look at XAML/Avalon, which will be part of Windows
"Longhorn" .... by the time it >BYTES, the various opensource CLT projects
should be up & away, and you may have your path.

But Ross, that gives me no more advantages than using IE6 in the context of
Dawn's question (although I can see how an application vendor tied hard to
windows might feel a little defensive about criteria 1 :)

All our desktops at work and at clients are wintel (I run Slackware at

Nevertheless, the thrust of you argument (and presumable the intended point
of your straw poll) is not necessarily correct -- just because windows has
vast market domination now, it does not follow that this will remain the
case: just ask WordPerfect and Lotus (or DOS devotees or dumb terminal
vendors or Eudora users or Netscape shareholders or vb6 developers).


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