I send enclosed the 2nd CFP of the 2nd edition of the MDAI conference 
that will be held on next july in Tsukuba (Japan). 

   DEADLINE: February, 1st

best wishes for 2005, 

Vicenc Torra and Yasuo Narukawa

[ Apologies for multiple postings ]

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Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence
Tsukuba, Japan, July 25-27, 2005


Decision making processes and information fusion tools at
large are currently embedded in most Artificial Intelligence
applications. As a consequence, systems based on decision
making and fusion techniques are becoming pervasive. 
They are currently in use in all kind of environments,
from entertainment gadgets to safety-critical or risk
management software.

The MDAI (Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence)
conferences have been initiated in Barcelona (MDAI 2004) 
with the aim of providing a forum to researchers for 
discussing models for decision and information fusion
(aggregation operators) as well as computational methods
and criteria for model selection and determination. 


Proceedings with accepted papers will be published 
in the LNAI/LNCS series (Springer-Verlag) and 
distributed at the conference. 
Besides, papers that, according to the evaluation by 
the referees, are not suitable for LNAI but have some 
merit will be published in a CD-ROM proceedings
and scheduled in the MDAI program.

NOTE: MDAI 2004 proceedings were published in 
      LNCS/LNAI volume 3131.


 Submission deadline: February 1, 2005
 Acceptance notification: March 21, 2005
 Final version of LNAI accepted papers: April 7, 2005
 Final version of CD-ROM accepted papers: April 15, 2005
 Conference: July 25-27, 2005


 -      Information fusion
 -      Aggregation operators
 -      Knowledge integration
 -      Hierarchical models
 -      Model and operator selection
 -      Learning methods for parameter determination
 -      Graphical models
 -      Machine learning and statistical learning
 -      Soft computing
 -      Utility theory
 -      Optimization methods

 -      Risk assessment and management
 -      Autonomous robots
 -      Robocup and robocup rescue
 -      Entertainment computing
 -      Multiagent systems
 -      Electronic commerce and electronic contracting
 -      Negotiation
 -      Web based and internet applications
 -      e-gamming and e-gambling
 -      Subjective evaluation
 -      Medicine
 -      Bioinformatics
 -      Information privacy and database security
 -      Information retrieval and recommendation systems

General chair:       Sadaaki Miyamoto (U. of Tsukuba)
Program co-chairs:   Vicenc Torra (IIIA-CSIC),
                     Yasuo Narukawa (Toho Gakuen)
Local Organizing Committee Chairs:
                     Yasunori Endo (U. Tsukuba),
                     Mika Sato (U. Tsukuba)

Program committee:

G. Beliakov (Australia) D.A.Bell (U.K.) J. Domingo-Ferrer (Spain)
J. Dujmovic (USA) M. Grabisch (France) E. Herrera-Viedma (Spain)
K. Hirota (Japan) M. Inuiguchi (Japan) J. Kacprzyk (Poland)
Z.-Q. Liu (Hong-Kong) Y. Maeda (Japan) L. Magdalena (Spain)
J.-L. Marichal (Luxemburg) R. Mesiar (Slovakia) 
K.-R. Muller (Germany) T. Murofushi (Japan) T. Onisawa (Japan) 
E. Pap (Yugoslavia) G. Pasi (Italia) C. Sierra (Spain) 
L. Sweeney (USA) J. van den Herik (The Netherlands) R.R. Yager (USA)

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