First call for participation and poster abstract submission:

*Climate Informatics 2012: The Second International Workshop on Climate

September 20-21, 2012, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR),
Boulder, Colorado

Preliminary website:
(Official NCAR website with registration is under construction).

We invite contributed posters on topics related to Climate Informatics for
presentation at the workshop. Abstracts are due *July 13th, 2012*. This
year we are very pleased to be offering *TRAVEL FELLOWSHIPS*. Anyone who
submits a poster abstract is eligible; fellowships will be awarded
competitively upon review of the submitted abstracts. Please indicate with
your submission whether you wish to be considered for a travel fellowship.
*Overview: *
The threat of climate change is one of the greatest challenges currently
facing society. Given the profound impact machine learning has made on the
natural sciences to which it has been applied, such as the field of
bioinformatics, we are forging and encouraging collaborations between
machine learning (as well as data mining and statistics) and climate
science, in order to accelerate progress in answering pressing questions in
climate science. The goal of this workshop is to incubate this new field,
Climate Informatics. Recent progress on Climate Informatics reveals that
collaborations with climate scientists also open interesting new problems
for machine learning. There are a myriad of collaborations possible at the
intersection of these two fields. We hope that every workshop attendee
leaves with a new collaboration in Climate Informatics. The format of the
workshop will emphasize communication among the various fields, with a
strong emphasis on brainstorming and break-out sessions, and panel
discussions *Confirmed Invited Speakers:*
Steve Easterbrook, University of Toronto
Vipin Kumar, University of Minnesota
Amy McGovern, University of Oklahoma

*Call for Poster Abstracts:*
We encourage submissions on topics anywhere at the interface of climate
science and machine learning, data mining, statistics, or related fields.
 Position papers, and works in progress, are also encouraged. The workshop
does not have archival proceedings, therefore previously published work, or
work in parallel submission, is also allowed.  Topics include, but are not
limited to:

• Machine learning, data mining, or statistics applied to climate science
• Management and processing of large climate datasets
• Long and short-term climate prediction
• Ensemble characterization of climate model projections
• Past (paleo) climate reconstruction
• Uncertainty quantification
• Spatio-temporal methods applied to climate data
• Time series methods applied to climate data
• Methods for modeling, detecting and predicting climate extremes
• Climate change attribution
• Dependence and causality among climate variables
• Detection and characterization of climate teleconnections
• Data assimilation
• Climate model parameterizations
• Hybrid methods

*Important dates:*
Friday, July 13, 2012 ______________________  Poster abstracts due
Friday, August 3, 2012 _____________________ Author notification
Friday, August 3, 2012 _____________________ Travel fellowship notification
Friday, August 31, 2012_____________________ Revised abstracts due
Thursday-Friday, September 20-21, 2012 ______ Workshop takes place at NCAR,
in Boulder, CO

*Submission instructions:*
Please submit a short (1-2 page) abstract, using the template and
guidelines provided at:
Tables and color figures are welcome but must satisfy margin and length
requirements.  Submissions should be made in pdf format to the following
email address, listing "submission 2012" in the subject line: Please include author names and
affiliations as indicated in the provided template. Please indicate with
your submission whether you wish to be considered for a travel
fellowship. The deadline for submission is July 13, 2012.  Authors will
receive feedback on their abstract submissions by August 3rd, after which
time revised abstracts may be submitted with a final deadline of August 31,

Claire Monteleoni, George Washington University
Karsten Steinhaeuser, University of Minnesota

Gavin Schmidt, NASA and Columbia University

Local Chairs:
Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Steve Sain, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Program Chairs:
Arindam Banerjee, University of Minnesota
Jason Smerdon, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

Breakouts Chair:
Jim Gattiker, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Communications Chair:
Evan Kodra, Northeastern University


   - National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
   - Information Science and Technology Center, Los Alamos National
   - Cray Inc.

*Contact*: For more information, to get involved, or to sign up to receive
announcements, please contact us here:

*NOTE:* if you attended the 2011 workshop, please fill out this short,
uai mailing list

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