First Call for Papers

        Workshop on New Learning Frameworks and Models for BigData

      During IEEE international conference on BigData
            6 October 2013, Silicon Valley, USA


Huge amounts of data are now easily and legally available on the Web. This data is generally heterogeneous and merely structured. Machine learning models which have been developed to automatically retrieve, classify or cluster observations on large yet homogeneous data collections have to be rethought. Indeed, many challenging problems, inevitably associated to Big Data, have manifested the needs for tradeoffs between the two conflicting goals of speed and accuracy. This has led to some recent initiatives in both theory and practice and has highly motivated the interest of the Machine Learning community. Further theoretical challenges include how to tackle problems with large number of target classes, appropriate optimization techniques to handle big data problems. Structured/sequential prediction models for big data problems such as prediction in hierarchy of classes has also gained importance in recent years.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together research studies aiming at developing new machine learning tools to handle new challenges associated to Big Data mining. We are especially interested on the following topics:

     o Distributed on-line learning
     o Multi-task learning for big data
     o Transfer Learning for big data
     o Optimization techniques for large-scale learning
     o Handling large number of target classes in big data
     o Structured prediction models in big data
     o Speed/Accuracy tradeoffs in big data
     o Statistical inference for big data
     o Noise in Big data


Please submit your electronic submissions at <>

no later than July the 30th, 2013. All papers accepted for workshops will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, made available at the Conference. All submissions must be in PDF format and particular care should be taken to ensure that your paper prints well. Some accepted papers will be selected for edition into a book.

See the workshop Web page at: <>
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