The Department of Epidemiology & Data Science of the Amsterdam UMC and the Quantitative Data Analytics group within the Department of Computer Science of the VU Amsterdam have a PostDoc position on: "Machine Learning on large medical data".

Please find more information below and on

The application deadline is September 5th.

*Your challenge*

The primary goal is to build models using machine learning/statistical learning techniques that use longitudinal data to predict important medical endpoints (such as disease). The setting is data that is big in several directions: sample size, number of features, and, possibly, number of repeats. Approaches that integrate statistical models for longitudinal data with predictive models from the machine learning community are particularly appealing. An important part of the work should be devoted to comparing several existing approaches. Moreover, for high-dimensional data it may be worthwhile to encode existing information on the features into the predictive model, to obtain a better prioritization of the features. This may help to realize a secondary aim: identify disease markers. We have several very interesting data sets at our disposal. Moreover, collaborators in cardiovascular disease and epidemiology will support us with background information on the data and biomedical know-how. The project will be a mix of method development and application. You will report the research in scientific papers, and apply for grants to secure future funding.

*Your profile*

We are looking for a Postdoctoral researcher with the following experience and background:

 * You hold a PhD in Statistics, AI, Machine Learning or a closely
   related discipline;
 * You have a strong background in quantitative modeling enabling the
   development of new methods;
 * You have programming skills, preferably in Python and R;
 * You are able to explain complex ideas to biologists/non-specialists;
 * Knowledge of any of the areas involved in the project (such as
   longitudinal models, supervised machine learning) is an advantage;
 * You have good communication skills, you are self-disciplined and can
   work in a multi-disciplinary environment.

Best regards,



Mark Hoogendoorn

Full Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Chair Quantitative Data Analytics Group

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science

T +31 20 59 87772 | M +31 6 539 22626
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