Well said, Justin.


josh reynolds :: chief information officer
spitwspots :: www.spitwspots.com

On 12/03/2014 02:38 PM, Justin Wilson wrote:
Part of it for me is the perception of UBNT as a company. We aren’t like Apple consumers. For the most part, most of us are not buying these products to jack with them at Starbucks and drink Coffee. We are out on towers, in all kinds of weather, deploying these. No matter the driving factor, the majority of these networks are here to make money. I, for one, have bet my house and my future on UBNT products in the past. It was no different than betting on another vendor, but I chose UBNT for several reasons. Price was a factor but not the only one.

Robert and Staff, please don’t misunderstand the passion for these folks being fanboys. Sure, the inner geek in everyone wants the shiny new gadget. But at the end of the day we all want to go home and be able to set our thermostat at 71 instead of 50. :-) This is about providing a service and being in business. Tools like AirControl means we can do that extra install instead of having the programmer spend their time figuring out how to pull data from the radio or dump into some 3rd party app. We all know monitoring and proactive solutions are essential in this business. I want to know if my business customers are getting what they pay for. If I have SLA customers I want to prove to them we are living up to expectations. Having that data might mean keeping them or not. A complete product family means we have a lower TCO.

Now, back to perception. If I am putting my house on the line would I continue to do so for a company that hasn’t finished a key product like AC in how many years? Version 1 never was completed. V2 is now dead. What about the Mfi cloud? I want to be able to trust a company with my livelihood. Sure, a software product isn’t the same as a working AP, but it should be a key component. In today’s ISP world information is King. If I have information I know when to upgrade, what customers to proactively fix, and how the overall health of the network is. This is what makes me different than Comcast. I should be able to know everything about what I have.

If you want to make it cloud based, how about an appliance we can install locally? Just an idea, in a sea of thousands. But more importantly, help us focus on automating our businesses and being kick butt at it. Give us the tools we actually need. That way we can buy more units from you. Simple.


Justin Wilson <j...@mtin.net>
http://www.mtin.net <http://www.mtin.net/blog>
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