On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 08:55:29AM -0500, Sam Morris wrote:
> There is nothing in the event section of the AC2 server, nor is there 
> any indication of the MTU size getting changed in the radio's logs. 
> (There is an entry in the event log from when I changed it from 1492 -> 
> 1500 bytes, but that's the only thing related to this.) (I checked 
> Saturday and Sunday's logs - nothing to indicate the MTU size was 
> changed.) I'm continuing to investigate - if anyone has another thought 
> I'd welcome it :)

Maybe the AP has been set that way for a long time.  

Did you recently change any firewall rules to block ICMP?  

If ICMP is working, PathMTU discovery can work and connections can deal
with arbitrary MTU limits along the path.  The TCP/IP stacks just lower
the MSS until they no longer receive ICMP packet too big responses.

Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin
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