I am thinking of upgrading to Edgy from Dapper as I only have Ubuntu 
Dappa on my laptop and not on my desktop.
However I have a few questions.
As I am using my laptop and not my desktop, my laptop has a wireless 
card but as I only use it where I attend my Linux groups, it doesn't 
have a connection for home as I don't have a wireless router so wouldn't 
be able to set it up with my connection to BT.
My Desktop is on the Internet but doesn't have Linux on it and I presume 
that even Edgy doesn't talk through the installation or bleep so you can 
access the accessability options.
How do I go about upgrading my laptop using a CD of Edgy?
I presume I have to edit a file so how do I go about doing this?
Also if I go through the process of upgrading from Dapa Drake to Edgy 
would I get spoken feedback using Orca that is running with Dapa or 
would I need Sighted help?

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