Hi to all the Dapper Drake gurus out there in Ubuntuland.
I'm trying to start the live cd of Ubuntu 6.06.1 with accessibility
options for "blindness" enabled. When i try to start the live cd,
however, nothing happens. Ubuntu doesn't come up talking, or whatever
it's supposed to do. What's more is that it doesn't seem to start Gnome
at all, because when i did an alt+4 i got a text console. I know this
because i got beeps when i tried moving arrows or backspaced. Since i
don't have any sighted help around, i don't have a clue as to what error
message that gets produced, if any.
The machine i'm trying to use is an IBM Netvista with a built-in Intel
graphics card, (don't know the model) and 2.4 Gig pentium processor and
one 120 gig and one 40 gig hard drive and 512 meg of ram and a
Soundblaster Live! old sound card.
A friend of mine suggested that X didn't start right, and in that case
i'm at a loss as to what to do since i'm a non-programmer and so am
unsure if i can make any modifications whatsoever.
I'm thankful for any help you can provide and i'm really sorry if the
questions are newbie ones but i'm a newbie to this distro.
Thanks again

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