On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 11:23:39AM EST, Jonathan Duddington wrote:
> I think the espeakedit program may be able to run on PPC and compile
> the phoneme data.
>   espeakedit --compile
> will compile both the phoneme data and the dictionary data, if it finds
> the source data in the expected places, for which the defaults are:
>   espeak-data/phsource
>   espeak-data/dictsource
> Let me know whether it works.

Ok. The following steps were carried out on two different boxes, one 
powerpc, and one i386. I managed to get X forwarding set up on my 
powerpc, so that espeakedit can run. Here is what I did.

* Unpacked fresh directories of both zip files, espeak-1.18-source.zip, 
and espeakedit-1.18.zip.
* Created an empty espeak-data directory in my home directory, and 
copied the voices directory into it, from the 
espeak-1.18-source/espeak-data directory.
* Copied dictsource from espeak-1.18 into espeak-data.
* Copied the phsource directory from espeakedit-1.18 into the 
espeak-data directory I previously created.
* Built a fresh binary of espeakedit, and moved it to 
my home directory.
* Entered the espeak-data directory, which as previously stated, only 
has the voices, phsource, and dictsource directories.
* Ran the command: ~/espeakedit --compile 

Attached are two log files, from both attempted compile runs. Notice the 
vast difference in output. The other difference is that the *_dict files 
are built on powerpc, and only the phoneme datafiles are present on 
i386. However, i386 has correctly built phoneme data, and powerpc 
doesn't, as evident from the Unknown phoneme table message when 
compiling, and also when I attempt to make espeak say something.

Please let me know if you need any clarrification on what I have 
outlined above, and I hope these log files are useful.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Compiling phoneme data: /home/luke/espeak-data/phsource/
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/en_dict'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/en_dict'
Compiled phonemes: 0 errors. Compiled 0 dictionaries
Compiling phoneme data: /home/luke/espeak-data/phsource/
Unknown phoneme table: 'en'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/en_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'af'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/af_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'cy'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/cy_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'de'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/de_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'el'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/el_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'en'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/en_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'eo'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/eo_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'es'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/es_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'fi'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/fi_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'fr'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/fr_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'hi'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/hi_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'it'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/it_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'nl'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/nl_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'no'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/no_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'pl'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/pl_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'pt'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/pt_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'ro'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/ro_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'ru'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/ru_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'sv'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/sv_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'vi'
Can't read dictionary file: '/home/luke/espeak-data/vi_dict'
Unknown phoneme table: 'en'
Compiled phonemes: 477 errors. See 'error.log'. Dictionary errors: af 2670, cy 
508, de 2478, el 541, en 19361, eo 324, es 367, fi 769, fr 3044, hi 403, it 
994, nl 393, no 163, pl 195, pt 1376, ro 1074, ru 642, sv 680, vi 476, 
*** stack smashing detected ***: /home/luke/espeakedit terminated
Phoneme Table: 'base'
167: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/@'
175: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/@-'
188: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/percus10'
198: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j/j@'
199: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j2/j2@'
200: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/w@'
201: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/l@'
203: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l^/j2@'
204: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/r@'
205: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r2/r2@'
206: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'm/m@'
207: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n/n@'
208: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/nn@'
209: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n^/n^@'
210: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
211: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
212: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/xl'
213: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/xw'
214: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j/xj'
215: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/xr'
217: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/r_@'
221: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j/ja'
222: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j2/j2a'
223: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/wa'
224: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/la'
226: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l^/j2a'
227: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/ra'
228: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r2/r2a'
229: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'm/ma'
230: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n/na'
231: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/nna'
232: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n^/n^a'
233: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L1_aL'
234: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L2_aL'
240: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/r_a'
244: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j/je'
245: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j2/j2e'
246: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/we'
247: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/le'
249: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l^/j2e'
250: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/re'
251: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r2/r2e'
252: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'm/me'
253: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n/ne'
254: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/nne'
255: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n^/n^e'
256: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L1_eL'
257: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L2_eL'
263: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/r_e'
267: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j/ji'
268: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j2/j2i'
269: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/wi'
270: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/li'
272: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l^/j2i'
273: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/ri'
274: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r2/r2i'
275: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'm/mi'
276: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n/ni'
277: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/nni'
278: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n^/n^i'
279: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L1_iL'
280: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L2_iL'
281: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/inn'
282: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j2/xj2'
286: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/r_i'
290: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j/jo'
291: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j2/j2o'
292: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/wo'
293: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/lo'
295: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l^/j2o'
296: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/ro'
297: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r2/r2o'
298: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'm/mo'
299: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n/no'
300: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/nno'
301: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n^/n^o'
302: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L1_oL'
303: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L2_oL'
309: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/r_o'
313: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j/ju'
314: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j2/j2u'
315: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/wu'
316: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/lu'
318: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l^/j2u'
319: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/ru'
320: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r2/r2u'
321: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'm/mu'
322: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n/nu'
323: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/nnu'
324: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n^/n^u'
325: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L1_uL'
326: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L2_uL'
332: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/r_u'
350: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/r'
351: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/_r'
352: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/tr'
355: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/r_'
363: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/r_'
363: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/rx'
364: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/r_n'
365: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/rr'
366: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r/trr'
377: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r2/_r2'
386: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/l'
387: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/_l'
388: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/tl'
389: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/l_long'
397: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/l_'
414: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l^/l^'
415: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l^/_l^'
425: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/w'
426: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/_w'
434: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/w_'
446: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j/_j'
456: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j/j_'
473: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'j2/_j2'
483: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'm/_m'
484: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'm/m_'
485: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'm/mj'
495: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n/_n'
497: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n/n_'
498: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n/nj'
508: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n^/_n^'
509: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'n^/n^_'
521: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/_nn'
522: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/nn_'
523: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'nn/nnj'
531: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/@tap'
533: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'r3/@tap_i'
550: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/b'
550: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/b'
551: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/b_'
551: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/b_'
552: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/ba'
553: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/b@'
554: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/be'
555: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/bi'
556: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/bo'
557: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/bu'
558: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
560: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'b/xb'
571: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'd/d'
571: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/d'
572: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'd/d_'
572: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/d_'
573: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'd/dr'
575: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'd/xd'
585: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/d_dnt'
599: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'd/tap'
601: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'd/tap_i'
615: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'dzh/dzh'
615: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/dzh'
616: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'dzh/dzh_'
616: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/dzh_'
618: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'dzh/xdzh'
626: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/dz_pzd'
640: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'g/g'
640: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/g'
641: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'g/g_'
641: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/g_'
643: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'g/xg'
653: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'g2/g'
653: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/g2_'
654: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'g2/g_'
656: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'g2/xg'
672: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/bh'
672: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vocw/v'
673: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/v_'
683: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/v'
692: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/dh'
692: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vocw/dh'
693: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/dh_'
702: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/z'
702: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/s_'
703: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/z_'
713: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/zh'
713: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vocw/zh'
714: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/zh_'
724: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/z_pzd'
724: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/s_pzd_'
725: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/z_pzd_'
737: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/Q'
737: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vocw/Q'
738: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/Q_'
738: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vocw/Q_'
767: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/p'
768: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/p_'
769: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/pr'
770: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/pl'
780: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/t'
781: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/t_'
782: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/tr'
792: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/t_dnt'
804: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/tsh'
805: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/tsh_'
814: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/ts_pzd'
826: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/c'
836: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/k'
837: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/k_'
838: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/kr'
839: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/kl'
840: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/ki'
849: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/k_unasp'
865: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/f'
866: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/f_'
876: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/th'
877: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/th_'
887: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/s'
889: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/s!'
902: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/sh'
903: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/sh_'
914: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/s_pzd'
924: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/ll'
935: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/ch'
945: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/x'
954: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/h_'
955: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/h@'
956: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/ha'
957: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/he'
958: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/hi'
959: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/ho'
960: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/hu'
Phoneme Table: 'en'
include ph_english
 37: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/l_2'
 76: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en/@L'
 85: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/a_en'
 93: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ee_2'
101: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ii_en'
116: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/0'
124: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/V'
132: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/uu'
149: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/a#_3'
157: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/aa_2'
173: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/3_en'
182: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/i_en'
183: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/wi2'
191: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/oo_en'
216: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en/u'
217: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en/u_L'
224: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/au'
231: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/@u_en'
238: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ai_en'
245: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/eei'
252: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ooi'
259: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ee_1'
267: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/ii@'
275: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
283: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/uu@'
291: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en/aI@'
299: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en/aU@'
314: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/e'
321: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/o'
328: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/eu'
335: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ui'
342: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/aa_n'
349: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/ee_n'
356: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/oo_n'
363: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/W_n'
370: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/y'
384: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/y#'
391: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/oe'
398: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/u#'
404: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/o-'
412: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/i#'

Phoneme Table: 'en_n'
include ph_english_n
 46: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/a'
 54: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ee_6'
 78: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/0_2'
 86: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/o-_2'
 94: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/u'
119: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/aa_5'
135: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/3_2'
144: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/i'
153: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/oo_1'
162: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_n/O@'
178: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/u#_3'
179: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_n/u_'
187: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/eeu_3'
194: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/o_4'
201: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ae_2'
230: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/i@'

Phoneme Table: 'en_rp'
include ph_english_rp
 10: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_rp/@'
 46: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/&'
 54: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/e_mid'
 62: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ii_4'
 69: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en/i'
 77: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/0_3'
 85: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/V_3'
 94: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/o-_3'
119: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_rp/aa'
135: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/3_3'
178: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/u_3'
186: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/au_3'
193: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/@u_2'
200: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ai_6'
207: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/eei_3'
221: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_rp/e@'
229: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_rp/i@'
245: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_rp/oo'
261: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_rp/aU@'

Phoneme Table: 'en_wm'
include ph_english_wm
 46: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/a_4'
 63: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_wm/ii'
 64: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ii'
121: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_wm/aa'
146: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_en_wm/i'
180: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/@u'
195: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/Vu_2'
202: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ooi_3'
209: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/@i_3'
216: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/oi'

Phoneme Table: 'af'
include ph_af
 11: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_af/@'
 13: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_af/r@'
 20: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/V_2'
 27: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/e_mid2'
 33: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_af/I'
 41: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/oo_3'
 55: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/uu_3'
 62: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ee_3'
 63: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'l/L_eL_af'
 80: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/aa_3'
 87: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 94: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/i_3'
102: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/o@'
109: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/y_3'
116: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/iu_3'
123: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/Vu'
130: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ai_4'
138: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/aai_2'
146: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/@i_2'
154: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ooi_2'
162: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/oi_2'
170: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ui_2'
178: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/y#y_2'
186: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/y#@'
230: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/x2'

Phoneme Table: 'cy'
include ph_welsh
 34: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ii#'
 41: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/oo_2'
 48: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/u_bck'
 97: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/o_2'
123: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ai_2'
165: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/iu_4'
193: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ui_3'

Phoneme Table: 'de'
include ph_german
 11: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/@_3'
 13: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_de/3'
 30: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_de/r_a'
 37: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ee'
 38: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_de/r_ee'
 54: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ii_2'
 55: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_de/r_I'
 70: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/oo'
 78: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/uu_2'
 79: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_de/r_U'
 86: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/aa_6'
 93: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/i_2'
109: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/aau_2'
116: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ai_5'
138: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_de/r_e'
153: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_de/r_y'
160: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/yy_4'
188: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/ts'

Phoneme Table: 'eo'
include ph_esperanto
 10: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/a_2'
 18: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/a#'
 69: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ai'

Phoneme Table: 'fi'
include ph_finnish
 16: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/i_4'
 24: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ii_3'
 47: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/aa'
 54: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/aa#'
 80: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/u_2'
 86: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/uu_4'
114: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/&i'
128: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/eei_2'
135: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/y#i'
149: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/yi'
157: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/aau'
164: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ou'
171: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/eu_2'
178: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/iu_2'
186: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/&y'
193: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/eey'
200: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/y#y'
207: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/iy'
215: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/uo'
222: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/ie'
229: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/y-y#'
300: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/p_unasp'
301: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/p_unasp_'
328: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/s_continue'
346: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/hu_fi'

Phoneme Table: 'fr'
include ph_french
 16: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/@_2'
 75: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/y_2'
 96: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/yi_fr'
192: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_fr/@R'
204: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_fr/@R2'

Phoneme Table: 'fr_ca'
include ph_french_ca
 49: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/uu_bck'
 56: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/yy'
 62: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ae'

Phoneme Table: 'nl'
include ph_dutch
 94: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ei'
137: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/yu'

Phoneme Table: 'pl'
include ph_polish
 33: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/oo_4'
 54: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/ee_n2'
 61: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/oo_n2'
 84: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/t_pzd'
107: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'x/d_pzd'
111: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'd/xd_pzd'
158: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'w/w2'

Phoneme Table: 'ru'
include ph_russian
180: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/o_5'
228: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/8'

Phoneme Table: 'it'
include ph_italian
 98: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/iu'

Phoneme Table: 'es'
include ph_spanish

Phoneme Table: 'pt'
include ph_portuguese
  9: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/e_n'
 15: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/i_n'
 22: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/o_n'
 28: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/u_n'
 34: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/&_n'
 40: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/&u_n'
 46: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vnasal/oi_n'
121: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/0i'
135: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/eeu'
159: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'voc/Q_less'

Phoneme Table: 'ro'
include ph_romanian
 13: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_ro/ii-'
 15: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_ro/li'
 16: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_ro/mi'
 17: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_ro/ni'
 37: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/i#_4'
 50: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/@_low'
 91: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ou_2'
 99: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ii'
105: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/i#i'
117: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/ea'
123: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/eo'
129: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/e[u'
135: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/oa'

Phoneme Table: 'el'
include ph_greek

Phoneme Table: 'sv'
include ph_swedish
 29: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/e_2'
 56: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/ee#_2'
 64: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/y_5'
 70: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/yy_3'
 76: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/u#_2'
 82: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/y#_2'
 88: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/oe_4'
 94: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/8_2'
102: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/a_5'
114: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/aa_4'
174: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ufric/sx_sv'

Phoneme Table: 'no'
include ph_norwegian
 15: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/@_hgh'
 43: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/yy_2'
 49: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/y_4'
 55: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/oe_2'
 61: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_no/y#'
 88: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_no/&'
137: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_no/u#'
143: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_no/u#2'
152: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/0i_2'
159: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ai_3'
181: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_no/y#y'
188: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_no/au-'

Phoneme Table: 'vi'
include ph_vi
 10: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/p_level'
 17: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/p_fall'
 24: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/p_rise'
 31: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/p_fallrise'
 38: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/vi_5'
 38: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/vi_5amp'
 45: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/vi_6'
 45: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/vi_6amp'
117: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/u_unr'
157: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/@i'
205: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/u-i'
267: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph2/u-@'

Phoneme Table: 'hi'
include ph_hindi
 15: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/@_bck'
 23: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/i_fnt'
 30: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_hi/I'
 37: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vowel/e_3'
 49: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/ee-e'
 69: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_hi/A'
 88: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/aaoo'
124: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_hi/r-voc'
131: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vwl_hi/l-voc'
151: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'vdiph/aau_3'
329: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'ustop/t_short'

Phoneme Table: 'qaa'
include ph_test_qaa
 21: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/p_214'
 33: File not SPEC or RIFF: 'envelope/p_211'

Refs 1454,  Reused 874

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