hello all,
I have been a passive listener on the accessibility issue so far.
I am in the process of setting up the second foss based computer
center for the visually handicap people here in India.
In one of the states called karala, it has become the government
policy to use foss based systems thus gnu/linux has become mandatory
in every institution.
well as of now we have had much trouble using orca and time and again
need to switch back to emacspeak.
while emacs and thus emacspeak is a great desktop at the command line
it does have steep learning curve and if one has to take complete
advantage of all the features in emacspeak they have to take lot of
learning trouble which consumes lot of time.
and then it is not a good thing to force every one to work on the
command line every now and then.
any ways coming to the point, I am wondering whether open office
related issues have been fixt for the up coming version of orca and
the main problems were responsiveness and font/ attribute identification.
I had herd from a few people that firefox with firevox plugin worked
well with orca but that never happened in my case.
one of my colligue did use it but after some days when he updated orca
and other little things in ubuntu it stopped working.
so what will be the accessibility status of firefox with ubuntu 7.04?
I really want to contribute my services to the visually challenged
people for accessibility in foss because our government is ready to
provide computers to blind students with 90% discount and the only
condition is that they will require to use foss based solutions.
I have been given the responsibility to see to it that things are
working fine in all institutes in my state and that's the reason I am
bothering all of you with my questions.
thanks and regards.

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