Dear syr,

I Am not sure, if You read my E-mail, which i posted yesterday to The Ubuntu
Accessibility mailing list. Did You installed Ubuntu Jaunty by using install
choice from The boot screen? So: did You pressed enter after CD stopped
whirring, then did YOu pressed F5, did YOu pressed number 3 followed by
pressing Enter? And did You pressed down arrow key to set The cursor to The
install choice, and did YOu pressed enter?

If You installed Ubuntu Jaunty by using install desktop link, The algorithm
will not prepare Ubuntu for use with Orca. The only one solution, which i
was able to use was to install Ubuntu from The boot screen. By The other
words, The algorithm is The same like while installing Ubuntu Hardy Heron.

Also Wubi.exe is not able to configure The Orca. And if You can, install
Ubuntu by using install choice from The boot screen, but please, do not
forget to use F5 and The procedure, which i described.

So, when CD stops to whirring, press Enter
Then Press F5, type number 3, not number 3 at The numeric keypat.

Then press Enter, then press down arrow for once, and press enter again. Be
patient, and wait for Orca speech.

You can use The choice use entire harddisk to reinstall previously installed

I tested this solution from A dayli live CD build, but i think, that this
procedure should work also  for The official build.

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