
I'm asking myself what to do and how to do so that that big ch... of Pulse
should be removed and replaced again by ALSA in future distros ?
why did they changed something who worked nicely by something who make from
the Linux system soething unusable regarding sound/audio ?
Can they imagine what this should make as impression by ex Windows users ?

On Debian it's still ALSA in the stable one and that is working very nicely,
also the author of Vinux (now also Debian based) had to do the same,
removing Pulse and installing ALSA;
so let's remove the ch... definitely, isn't it ?
what to do, where to post and who's responsible for Pulse ?
Who decided that it was good enough to be imposed while it's so bad ?


On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 10:28:42AM -0600, mike wrote:
> Hi, removing pulse audio did seem to make things a little better. I ran 
> spd-conf and set up a new config. All at the moment works except for two 
> things. 1, no volume control.
> 2, in movie player Orca crashes if I search for something on u tube and try 
> to play it. But this has been a problem for some time.
> Mike.
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