Hi, Labrador.

I've enjoyed reading your posts.  Anyway, as an old (I'm 45) software
developer myself, I wish anything I shipped where half as stable as
Ubuntu.  It's damed hard to build the QA suite, and testing's a bitch.
 I'm sure the developer in charge of this decision thought:

A) Switching to PulseAudio wouldn't break important functionality like Orca
B) Any bugs that cause problems could be quickly handled.

Unfortunately, we developers are often wrong, as in this case.  Luke
has already posted that it's high priority for him to track down the
performance problems between speech-dispatcher and PulseAudio.  At
this point, we should just hope that Luke succeeds and that in the
future Canonical tests Orca performance before making major sound
system changes.

Anyway, this is hardly the only problem in Karmic, and hardly the only
remaining issue in Linux.  My wife came to me today, because she
couldn't figure out how to install Adobe Air on Ubuntu.  She had
downloaded some installer ending in '.bin', and was double-clicking
it, saying, "It wont start!  It wont start!"  Linux is not yet for the
masses, though I hope Ubuntu eventually gets there.  In the meantime,
it's the most awesome system for programmers and hackers ever
conceived, and has it's use in business, too.


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