On 18 February 2010 18:50, Hugh Sasse <h...@dmu.ac.uk> wrote:
> I'd suggest that there is a need for people who know more about
> GNU/Linux accessibility than I do [1] to write about it for a wider
> audience to get the techniques out there.  "As a programmer this
> will benefit you, because you can do [...] as a result of the
> accessibility hooks being there."  Etc.
> I don't think the problems will start to go away until more people
> are aware of how easy the easy things are.  The difficult things
> will come later.
> [1] I don't know much about the programming of accessibility yet.
> I'm hoping this will change when (if?) I get more time.

I hope this article may contribute something here - it's not a 'how
to' but more of  a pointer to what and who

Steve Lee
OSS Watch - supporting open source in education and research

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