I'm still in the process of researching the upgrade options myself for 
migrating from 8.04 to 10.04.  I am a little nervous about the sparse 
documentation for do-release-upgrade.  In fact, the only documentation I have 
found is the do-release-upgrade --help flag.  The help flag syas there are four 
(4) valid options to pass to do-release-upgrade:

-d for upgradng to development versions
-h for the help list
-p [I forget what this on is, I'm not at my ubutu machine at the oment]
-m mode  to determine which upgrade path to take [mode = server | desktop]

Since it appears you are trying to get to the current development version of 
lucid, the command you would use is:

#do-release-upgrade -d -m desktop

(I assume this is ment to be run with elovated privilages, hence "#")

I haven't tried this yet myself.  If you decide to attempt this, I would 
apreciate a report of any errors/success you encounter.

good luck, and hopefully you getyour upgrade to work soon:-)

>Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:32:54 +0100
>From: michael weaver <>
>Subject: upgrading ubuntu
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed
>i looked at the instructions for upgrading from hardy or karmic 
>to lucid and it states to do an upgrade do alt plus f2, 
>update-manager dash d, enter and follow the instructions to do a 
>desktop upgrade.
>i looked at the instructions i typed and i think the sudo 
>do-upgrade-release dash d does a server upgrade which might have 
>been the reason why my attepts to upgrade crash.
>if i am going to have to do any upgrade via the up-date manager, 
>after i have typed my password after chosing the ok button to 
>upgrade, do i need to press space or enter again after i have 
>been asked for my password and okayed the password as i am 
>assuming that it doesn't start straight away after doing okay 
>after typing my admin password.
>i am guessing that after entering or spacing on okay to accept my 
>password i need to find the actual button to start the upgrade. 
>is the button that starts the actual upgrade the default button 
>in the dialogue box which is unaccessible because of the sudo 
>problem or how many times do i need to press tab before i can 
>.accept and beginn my upgrade?
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