I'm seeing the same problem with unity and orca.  Accessibility is 
great once you get into a program, but getting there is another thing.  
Is there a way to remove unity and go back to a two-pannel configuration 
like on the desktop, or the netbook interface available in Lucid?  Any 
help with this would be greatly appreciated.  One thing I considered was 
to go to the keyboard shortcuts menu and set up shortcuts for commonly 
used apps.  Thanks in advance for the help.



On 10/10/2010 06:08 PM, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 07:57:48AM EST, Dave Hunt wrote:
>>    Does anyone have experience running the new Unity interface and the
>> version of Orca that ships as part of 10.10?
> I tried using orca with unity a week or so back, and I can tell you that it 
> doesn't work, for the vast majority of the unity shell. Such pieces as 
> indicator menus for sound/session, and network manager are accessible, 
> however you can only get to them with the mouse. If you were to open 
> nautilus, you can navigate files/do whatever you can do normally within that 
> nautilus window. Shortcut keys for opening the terminal still exist, and the 
> terminal is accessible, but thats it.
> Unity uses the clutter toolkit, which is getting accessibility support 
> upstream, but the version in maverick has no accessibility support. I am not 
> sure what the plans are for Natty.
> Luke

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