On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Hammer Attila <hamm...@pickup.hu> wrote:
> Hy,
> Now I looked an english language environment the Ubiquity installer and Orca
> improvement.
> For example, before with partitioning window, I selected the following
> radiobutton:
> "Erase disk and install Ubuntu"
> Orca spokening following text:
> "Erase disk and install Ubuntu use_device radiobutton selected"

I was able to get it to read the labels by associating the radio
button to the label, but I couldn't figure out why it kept reading the
variable name for the radio button afterward.  The code in question
has been pointed out to me, and it looks like I should have also set
the name for the radio button to make it say something less-stupid
than  "use underscore device"   Did it not also read the label in

Mackenzie Morgan

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