On 25/05/11 16:29, bernhard.stadelmayer wrote:
Hi all,

As you probably know, Ubuntu 11.04 has been released with a new Desktop called Unity. I tested the major versions of Ubuntu if they are working probably on my system and what features are supported by Orca. But now, I'm not sure if there's something like Orca in this new Desktop. Could someone tell me if there's a Screenreader in Unity? If so, are there also translations of the user interface in other languages like German?

Thanks for your help,


by default if you install Ubuntu with the screen reader profile it will take you to the classic gnome interface, not the new Unity layout. Orca is present in both and there are translations of the desktop into German, however I wouldn't be surprised if some of the bits Orca reads are not translated. Some bits of Unity don't work well with Orca yet.


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