On Sun, 29 May 2011 19:22:25 -0700
Jonathan Marsden <jmars...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> On 05/29/2011 12:03 PM, Alan Bell wrote:
> >> How about sharing Ubuntu's current official accessibility roadmap with
> >> the Lubuntu developers, as a start?  ...
> > not a roadmap as such, but I have started drafting a document on the
> > Ubuntu infrastructure for accessibility
> > http://pad.ubuntu.com/AccessibilityInfrastructure
> Does this mean that, in reality, there is no accessiblity roadmap, for
> any Ubuntu variant?

No, it means each distribution makes its own accessibility roadmap,
since we don't know what each distribution developers are capable of
during a cycle. Kubuntu, for example, will have accessible
installations and screen-reader this cycle. Xubuntu has not decided on
its plans yet. Each variant is in fact a separate distribution, even if
we all use the same repositories. 

> Thanks.  I made a few minor edits.  A wiki would be better so there is a
> clear history of who edited what when, etc.
> > This will get transferred to the wiki at some point when it is nearly
> > complete and the most glaring errors have been fixed.
> I'd suggest just putting what you have into a wiki page, now, so that
> history will be maintained as the document is changed.
> What this lacks at this point is any sense of priorities -- *this* is
> more important to do first, *that* can wait, etc., or any sense of "to
> make a Qt app more easily accessible, to *this*; to make a GTK app more
> accessible, do *that*; to create an accessible installer, do *this other
> thing*".  So it is currently useful as background info, but not in
> suggesting "what to do next".
> Also, links to the various things (software, APIs, etc.) that it
> mentions would be a great addition.
> > I don't know much about Lubuntu, only that it is based on something 
> > called LXDE as a window manager and is targeted at really old
> > computers.
> Well, or some people just like a leaner faster desktop environment.  I'm
> surprised to see how many Lubuntu users actually choose use it on
> hardware that would support Ubuntu or Kubuntu.
> > Looking at lubuntu.net it seems to be based on GTK, so I imagine just
> > installing gnome-orca will pull in speech dispatcher at-spi2 and espeak,
> > install onboard and you have an on-screen keyboard too. Does it use
> > ubiquity for the installer?
> Yes, but alternative installer(s) are something we want to see as we
> move to using real Ubuntu ISO build infrastructure.
> Jonathan

Charlie Kravetz 
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