Some months ago, when LightDM developers proposed LightDM as a official
GNOME module, accessibility was also a question:

And taking into account last question from Robert Ancell (LightDM
developer), it seems that at that moment it was not really accessible:

You could try to contact Robert Ancell directly, to check if things have
improved since May.


On 09/07/2011 07:53 AM, Hammer Attila wrote:
> Hy,
> LightDm login manager what accessibility services are supporting now?
> When my wife look in Oneiric alpha2 or alpha 3 the LightDm
> accessibility settings, if I remember right LightDm supports large
> font accessibility service (hopefuly I remember right).
> Happened any change since alpha 3 with LightDm accessibility services
> supporting?
> For example, final Oneiric release LightDm login manager will be
> supporting accessible login feature for screen reader support, similar
> with GDM?
> If not, possible replacing LightDm to GDM login manager after
> installation, or a modified live CD?
> for example new accessibility handle casper module supports both two
> login managers?
> Attila

Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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