This is odd, as I made a test of that ppa before announcing it, and I
was able to use Orca to interact with unity and the panel. Probably it
worked due some kind of development stuff on my laptop. I will check it
for the next update.

Thanks for the feedback.


On 10/16/2011 06:04 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
> Oh, and something else I noticed just now that's probably worth
> mentioning:
> I installed Unity from the accessibility PPA. Before doing that, I'm
> pretty sure the extra, non-app menu items in the bar spoke (I.e. for
> wireless/network control, sound, etc.) Now after upgrading they no
> longer speak. This seems like it might be a regression in the a11y PPA.
> Thanks.
> On 10/15/2011 10:46 PM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
>> Just slapped this onto an old netbook I'm trying to revive. Here are
>> my initial impressions.
>> I love the new way to run accessibility on the live CD. Great! I just
>> wish it also worked from the instance that gets run when you choose
>> to try without installing. Running manually works, but consistency
>> would rule.
>> Had some issues with the install, but those weren't accessibility
>> related.
>> My new installation didn't come up talking. I had to run Orca
>> manually, enable accessibility and log back out and in. My
>> expectation was that it'd come up talking as soon as I logged in.
>> Along similar lines, Orca doesn't run automatically. I have to start
>> it manually. This despite my impression that the screen reader toggle
>> in the accessibility settings screen is enabled. I can't seem to find
>> a "Run Orca on startup" option in Orca's preferences anymore.
>> Unity seems quite keyboard accessible. Going to need time to get used
>> to the many new commands.
>> My timezone is incorrect and I can't figure out how to reset it. In
>> Time and Date I see a text area containing the location New York, but
>> I can't figure a way to set this to anything local to me. I tried
>> entering "Chicago" since that's usually the timezone I choose, but
>> that doesn't seem to take.
>> Lots of widgets seem to be misrepresented as checkboxes. In
>> particular, many menu items appear this way.
>> I'm not clear on how to navigate some of the panels in Unity 2D.
>> They're also said to be inaccessible even though I did get some
>> feedback from Orca at one point.
>> All notifications speak "Notification: notify-osd". I have to look at
>> .cache/notify-osd.log to see what I missed.
>> While this is a long list of negatives, I'm quite impressed at how
>> accessible things are after such a major change. I probably won't put
>> 11.10 on my main machine for now, but I'm enjoying playing with it on
>> the netbook.

Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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