
Now that I have Oneiric running on my Asus 1015PE netbook, with Orca, I can put down my first impressions.

After installation, I added the extra a11y source and did 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade', to bring the system up to date. Next, I did 'sudo shutdown -r now', to force a restart. As others have reported, Orca will not start automatically, even when it is added to the startup applications list. I must start Orca from a terminal, like this: 'orca --replace &'. Maybe the 'replace' isn't needed, since it's not running? Anyway, this gets Orca going. The terminal is filled with Python trace-back and warning messages. Trying to read the terminal with flat review generates yet more. Also, having installed the extra a11y, and running Orca in the terminal, I find that the application menus, reachable by hitting 'f10', no longer speak. This seems to be session-wide. I can still use applications, as long as I don't need the menus. If, for instance, I want to adjust volume, I have to start the 'sound preferences' applet, in order to reach the controls. This is inconvenient, but not a show-stopper. I would like to get this installation of Unity working as well as is now possible.

Any thoughts?

Dave  Hunt

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

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