I have a slightly customized USB key that I configured with a version of the live CD, which after booting up (and hitting the volume up key on the keyboard to raise the volume to the max), I press Ctrl-S, then Alt-F2, then Esc, then Alt-F2 again and type 'orca' and hit enter to start the setup process for Orca. After doing the steps required, I logout of the session, which then starts the auto login process, and I repeat the steps again, but with Orca coming up speaking this time. Next, I hit the Win key, and type 'Access' and get the Universal Access settings dialog. I tap the screen reader button in the dialog, then close it... (I have persistence enabled on the USB key, so I only needed to do those steps once). Then I do the install of Ubuntu as normal, and repeat the accessibility steps again on the newly minted system, and also do some updates and installs from the command line. Finally, I logout and hit Tab, then enter, and down arrow twice, pressing Enter, and Shift-Tab back once and type in my password to get the more accessible interface of Unity.

As for the Software Center, what works for me is:

1. If I select a .deb package on my system, the Software Center comes up and allows me to tab to the install button and start the install process, including typing in my password for sudo

What doesn't work (and my experiences):

1. Trying to type in the search box won't speak, and will lock my system up, causing me to force quit the app 2. No lists are spoken, but if I can guess the item name, an Enter will bring up the item page, which is accessible for the most part (similar to installing a .deb package)

Otherwise, I've been so frustrated with the Software Center, I haven't attempted to use any other features it offers until I can find a workaround.

Gregory Lopez
Email: glpz...@gmail.com
Google Talk: glpz...@gmail.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/glpzstl
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/glpzstl
-----Original Message----- From: Luke Yelavich
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 4:52 PM
To: ubuntu-accessibility@lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Accessibility of the Ubuntu Software Center in Oneiric Ocelot

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 11:34:33AM EST, Gregory Lopez wrote:

I’m having issues with the Ubuntu Software Center in Oneiric Ocelot when it comes to accessibility with Orca. It seems that only parts of the app are accessible, while other parts fail miserably. The best example I can give is trying to search for an app to install... It causes my system to lock up and become unresponsive for quite a while, with no speech, and I have to bang on the Alt-F4 combo to force the app to shut down and get speech back. What I am wondering is if there’s a more accessible version of the Software Center, say for example, the one from the Vinux distro (which is fully usable) that I can replace this rather disappointing version with, or is there another app like it that I can use to search and install apps with?

How did you install Ubuntu and set up accessibility? Exactly what part of the search is not accessible, and what other parts of the software centre are not accessible?


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