OK, thanks Alan.

Nevermind about the question on the account creation. In rereading the
post, I now understand what account was being referred to. Sorry for my

On 06/03/12 14:09, Alan Bell wrote:
> On 06/03/12 20:05, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
>> What account creation process are you talking about? Where are you
>> trying to create an account?
>> I'm not going to say you don't have valid reasons to be disappointed,
>> but I wouldn't give up hope on 12.04 altogether. We're only a week or
>> two past feature freeze, and we're only on the first beta for 12.04. I
>> agree it would have been better if accessibility had played a bigger
>> role during the design and development phases, but there is still time
>> to get bugs resolved.
> yes, and these issues are being raised with the relevant developers.
>> I'm also not sure about the relationship between Gnome and Unity, but I
>> thought 12.04 would be shipping with Unity and not Gnome 3.
> Unity is a shell for Gnome, but it is not Gnome-Shell. Unity will be
> shipping with most of the stuff that is considered the Gnome 3 desktop,
> but there will be some bits and pieces that are Gnome 2 I believe. The
> Gnome desktop is a heap of applications from the Gnome project,
> including stuff like Gedit, Orca etc. One application in the full Gnome
> 3 desktop is Gnome-Shell. That isn't being shipped by default but that
> application can be installed.
> Alan.

Christopher (CJ)

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