
Menues after this day morning updates are mostly working, for example indicators under GNOME3 fallback session Orca now spokening menu item labels partialy right. If have a mnemonic letter of a menu, Orca spokening the underscore character and the mnemonic letter. Some Orca users reported following issue in Orca List:
"Hi Krishnakant,

It appears that with the latest update this morning menues are mostly

I am now getting spoken feedback for all menus.

I have noticed a few oddities and am not sure if it is my system or
something ubuntu or orca related.  Hopefully someone else can confirm
this and then I can file appropriate bugs.

1.  Menus are spoken with what appears to be "underscore" where spaces
should be.  Note that this doesn't always happen as expected, for
example, in the firefox edit menu, I hear "underscore find"
"pref underscore erences" "find underscore again".
Perhaps this is underscores being sent where spaces should be, although
the apparent random insertion of one in the middle of preferences is
strange.  Also the one preceding find."
This issue are reproducable with indicators with hungarian locale in GNOME3 fallback session the indicator-applet-complete panel applet. Doesn't setted the use_underline property with true value when committed the fix?


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