On 10/03/12 13:03, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Nolan Darilek<no...@thewordnerd.info>  wrote:
So how do we change this?
Assistive technology relies on automation UIs.

Automated testing can use automation UIs.

End-user scripting can use automation UIs.

If *nix environments used automation UIs to drive testability and
scriptability, there'd be a lot less breakage for assistive

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

funnily enough they do use the LDTP stuff for testing some bits of Ubuntu http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/FAQ in particular ubiquity the installer. This caused a problem last cycle because they dynamically changed all the accessibility strings for the convenience of the test script and left a load of junk in for the screen reader to read out. After we pointed out how rude it was to break things like this a fix was quickly provided that allowed both the ldtp script to work and the screen reader to read the correct strings. The point being, it is used in places, and I would like to encourage more uses of accessibility technology like this. I would like to encourage the use of Orca scripts as part of the design process, alongside the visual storyboard - it is massively easier to write a script than it is to draw a user interface.


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