On 13/03/12 21:22, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi, I don't have an answer, but can you test something please?
1. Launch terminal.
2. Press the alt key, only the alt key.

What happens?
In my environment orca reads shell filler.

I think this is because it has opened the HUD which is a thing a bit like the dash visually, it is a search box that searches through the menu of the current application. It is not correctly accessible at the moment which is a shame, it consists of a field and 5 suggestions below of what you might mean. For example if you have focus in gedit you can hit alt and type "insert" and the top option in the list of 5 will be "edit > insert date and time". It does some fuzzy matching and guesswork to come up with the suggestions. Last time I tested it read out all 5 suggestions in unity2d as "push button" and was silent in unity3d which is sub-optimal.
this is bug 949445

and I am sure that Ted and Gord will be right on to this soon


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